Article Search

Find articles that match search criteria.


NYTAPI.article_search(query=None, dates=None, options=None, results=10)





import datetime

articles = nyt.article_search(
    query = "Obama", # Search for articles about Obama
    results = 30, # Return 30 articles
    # Search for articles in January and February 2019
    dates = {
        "begin": datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 31),
        "end": datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 28)
    options = {
        "sort": "oldest", # Sort by oldest options
        # Return articles from the following four sources
        "sources": [
            "New York Times",
            "International Herald Tribune"
        # Only get information from the Politics desk
        "news_desk": [
        # Only return News Analyses
        "type_of_material": [
            "News Analysis"
        # The article text should contain either the word
        # "Obamacare" or "healthcare"
        "body": [
        # Headline should contain "bill", "costs over", or "victory"
        "headline": [
            "costs over",

Advanced Usage: Filter Queries

The New York Times article search API allows for many more filters, which can be combined much more specifically. You can specify a filter query be specifying the fq key of the options parameter. This can be done as follows:

# Get all sports articles from New York City
articles = nyt.article_search(options={
    "fq": "news_desk:("Sports") AND glocations:(\"NEW YORK CITY\")"

# Get all articles about Obama, but exclude all
# articles from New York City
articles = nyt.article_search(options={
    "fq": "Obama AND -glocations:(\"NEW YORK CITY\")"

To learn more about all the possibilities of the advanced filter queries, you can visit the New York Times Developer API reference.

Last updated